Saturday 18 May 2019

May 16 Devotion - Knowing God through His Names - Part 8 - Jehovah Sabaoth

Jehovah Sabaoth: "The Lord of Hosts" both of angels and of men. He is Lord of the host of heaven and of the inhabitants of the earth. The name is expressive of the majesty, power, and authority of God and shows that He is able to accomplish what He determines to do. This profound name means the Almighty, Sovereign, Self-Existent God over all the multitudes.
Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts) is mentioned over 270 times in The Bible, making it the most frequently used compound name of God in Scripture.
The Lord of hosts is with us.
رَبُّ الْجُنُودِ مَعَنَا
Psalm 46:7

I invite you to repeat the following prayer for yourself:
Abba Father, I put my life in Your hands Jehovah Sabaoath. Forgive me Father for I have been trying to fight my battles on my own. LORD, I pray that out of Your glorious riches You strengthen me and spiritually energize me with power through Your Spirit in my innermost being and personality, so that I can let go and let The Lord of hosts take over my life. In the holy name of Jesus; my Lord and Saviour; I pray to You Jehovah Sabaoth. To Jesus be the glory, the power, the dominion, the majesty and the blessings forever and ever and unto ages of all ages. Amen.

Jesus loves you,
In Him,
Wagdi Henein

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