Wednesday 15 April 2015

April 15 Devotion - God is Spirit

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
الله روح. والذين يسجدون له فبالروح والحق ينبغي ان يسجدوا.
John 4:24

God The Father is Spirit and is therefore omnipresent. He is present everywhere. We should worship Him due to His nature and perfection.  The nature of God is an eternal, immense and infinite Spirit. God is The creator of all spirits.

Worshiping God must spring from the heart, through the influence of the Holy Spirit. I believe we would be considered worshiping God in spirit, when we are guided by The Holy Spirit, and we present our requests to The throne of God. We would be considered worshiping Him in truth, when our worship is guided and regulated by The Word of God.

I invite you to repeat the following prayer for yourself:
Abba Father, thank You for Your abundant blessings and inseparable love.
Lord, You are worthy of my worship and praise. I am in awe of Your nature and perfection. Thank You for creating my spirit and adopting me into Your family. LORD, I pray that out of Your glorious riches You strengthen me with power through Your Spirit in my inner being, so that I may worship You in spirit and in truth.I pray that The Holy Spirit will dwell in my heart through faith. In Jesus’ name I pray. To Him be the power, the glory, the majesty, the blessings, and the dominion forever and ever, Amen.

Jesus loves you,
In Him,
Wagdi Henein

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