Friday 16 March 2012

March 16 Devotion - We Can Overcome the World

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith.
لان كل من ولد من الله يغلب العالم.وهذه هي الغلبة التي تغلب العالم ايماننا.
1 John 5:4 (English Standard Version)

Christian believers (those who are born of God) know that faith gives believers victory that has (already!) overcome the world.The Greek word for "victory" is the word Nike (a word now used for sport shoes and sportswear, symbolizing total victory)

Faith provides the power source and the means to victory. The trust we believers have in God and in Christ enables us to participate in the victory Christ won for us through His sacrifice and resurrection.

The term "world” describes the world system that opposes God. The collective power, given by God to us believers, can overcome this opposition.

I invite you to repeat the following prayer for yourself:
Abba Father, thank You for Your abundant blessings. God help me to fight the good fight of faith, because I understand that that's what allows You to show up and turn negative situations around. Lord, today I believe that I have been born of God and there is victory already planned in my future, I stand strong with the attitude that I have overcome the world through my faith in Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Jesus Loves you

In Him,
Wagdi Henein

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